Education / Pilot Programme

Trust and Family Office


l   Explain The Law on Trust and Family Office and explain how high-end clients set up family offices to achieve sustainable family wealth and succession.

l   Analyze The Family and Corporate Assets allocation arrangements commonly used by Family Offices and Trustee or by Insurance; and

l   Explain The new Policy Measures implemented by the Hong Kong Government towards developing Family Office Businesses in Hong Kong and their implications.

3 IA CPD Hours and 3 MPFA CPD non-core Credits


Mr. Roy Leung & Ms. Terresa Law,

Mr. Roy Leung 梁秉釗律師

  • 薜馮鄘岑律師行合伙人
  • 中國委託公證人
  • 粵港澳大灣區執業律師

 Ms. Theresa Law 羅麗萍律師

  • 薜馮鄘岑律師行律師

Medium of Teaching


Important Notes

1.  Seats are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

2.  Registration fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.

3.  Full and strict attendance is enforced.

4.  Course will be held upon min. of 25 enrollments are confirmed.

5.  Identity Verification is required before the class.

6.  Participants must show their faces throughout the courses and attend the webinar in an indoor venue with a fixed seat.

7. Digital CPD Certificate will be issued to eligible participants within 21 days after the course.

Karen Sim
Date:13 September 2024 (Friday)
Time:6:30 AM - 9:30 AM (3 hours)
Zoom Platform

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10:00 of 06 September 2024 or when it is full, whichever is earlier
Course Completed